How to order
Chose the product you wish to order from our catalogue
Click the product categories menu on the website to choose the categories and the individual product within these categories. Click on individual products to see photos, information and price. When ordering you must pay the price indicated on the website + the delivery fees and collect on delivery fees.
1. step
Order the product
After choosing the product you can order it through the “Order product / Request an offer” form. Indicate the name of product(s) and number of units you wish to order.
View the available delivery and payment methods.
Please take care to provide accurate contact and delivery details.
you have any questions before orders please contact us through any of the contact methods listed under the Contact menu.
2. step
Provide your details
After indicating the name of the product(s) and number of units on the “Order product / Request an offer” form, please provide the DELIVERY and BILLING details.
3. step
Delivery and Payment options
Please choose a delivery and payment method on the “Order product / Request an offer” form.
bank transfer (the purchasing price must be sent to the 10918001-00000086-69710001 number bank account (PATKÓS Ltd.) at Unicredit Bank. The ordered products will be sent after payment has been received).
-- The shipping fee is determined by the location of the destination country and the size of the package. The exact amount can only be given after the request for quotation has been received
4. step
Submit your order
After accepting the privacy policy on the “Order product / Request an offer” form, click the “SUBMIT ORDER” button to finalize your order.
We will contact you within 1-2 days. If this does not occur, then please call us at (+3620/272-4721) to receive information on the status of your order.
Thank you for shopping with us!
Patkós Manufacture